Inglês do Zero a Fluência

R$ 300,00

Aprender a falar um segundo idioma é fundamental nos dias de hoje, tanto para se manter empregado quanto para buscar um novo emprego.

SKU: 76ea Categorias: ,


Aprender a falar um segundo idioma é fundamental nos dias de hoje, tanto para se manter empregado quanto para buscar um novo emprego.

– 01 Método – Módulo Inicial
– 02 Treinando a sua pronúncia- Módulo Inicial
– 03 Assuntos importantes- Módulo Inicial
– 04 Plural em Inglês- Módulo Inicial
– 05 Inglês Americano X Britânico – Módulo Inicial
– 06 Exercícios – Módulo Inicial
– 07 Listening- Módulo Inicial
– 08 Listening Parte II- Módulo Inicial
– 09 Listening Parte III- Módulo Inicial
– 10 Como construir suas primeiras frases – Módulo Inicial
– 05 Auxiliary verb did – Days of the Week
– 01 Text of the week – Days of the Week 2
– 02 Text review – Days of the Week 2
– 03 Comprehension – Days of the Week 2
– 04 Conversation – Days of the Week 2
– 05 Show me your writing – Days of the Week 2
– 01 Could – Asking for Directions
– 02 Narration Text asking for direction – Asking for Directions
– 03 Interpretation – Asking for Directions
– 04 Comprehension – Asking for Directions
– 11 Como construir suas primeiras frases parte II – Módulo Inicial
– 05 Conversation – Asking for Directions
– 06 Modal Verb Will – Asking for Directions
– 01 Narration text unit – Asking for Directions 2
– 02 Interpretation unit – Asking for Directions 2
– 03 Comprehension – Asking for Directions 2
– 04 Conversation – Asking for Directions 2
– 05 Going to – Asking for Directions 2
– 01 Introdução ao assunto – Parasomnia English Video
– 02 Video Parasomnia – Parasomnia English Video
– 03 Narration – Parasomnia English Video
– 12 Como construir suas primeiras frases parte III – Módulo Inicial
– 04 Interpretation – Parasomnia English Video
– 05 Vocabulary Practice – Parasomnia English Video
– 06 Conversation – Parasomnia English Video
– 01 Introdução – Intermediate English Level
– 02 Dicas – Intermediate English Level
– 03 Números Ordinais – Intermediate English Level
– 04 Números em Data – Intermediate English Level
– 05 Números para Expressar os anos – Intermediate English Level
– 06 Conexão de palavras – Intermediate English Level
– 01 O que é o present perfect – Where is Pizza From
– 13 Multiplicando suas frases com 3 Verbos – Módulo Inicial
– 02 Present + Abreviada – Where is Pizza From
– 03 Forma negativa – Where is Pizza From
– 04 Fazendo perguntas – Where is Pizza From
– 05 Diferenças entre did e present perfect – Where is Pizza From
– 06 Conversation What fodd is your country – Where is Pizza From
– 07 Conversation are there any foods – Where is Pizza From
– 09 Reading Where is Pizza from – Where is Pizza From
– 10 Interpretação – Where is Pizza From
– 11 Who Made the first burger – Where is Pizza From
– 12 Who Made the First Burger Part 2 – Where is Pizza From
– 14 Verbo To Like – Módulo Inicial
– 08 Conversation whats the hottest food – Where is Pizza From
– 02 A taste of mexico – Explore More Food
– 01 Exercise – Explore More Food
– 03 Reading Script – Explore More Food
– 04 Interpretação script – Explore More Food
– 05 Summarise – Explore More Food
– 06 Conversation Think About – Explore More Food
– 01 – Substituindo TH Frases – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 02 – Dizendo Frases com TH – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 03 -Conversation what are your favourite – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 15 Frases negativas – Módulo Inicial
– 04 – Conversation What kinds of movies – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 05 – Conversation – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 06 – My Grizzly job – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 07 – Script Interpretação – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 08 – Completion Vocabulary – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 09 – Definitions Vocabulary – My Grizzly Summer Job
– 01 – Preview History – Explore More History of Film
– 02 – History Of Film – Explore More History of Film
– 03 – Script reading – Explore More History of Film
– 04 – Interpretation – Explore More History of Film
– 16 Frases negativas parte II – Módulo Inicial
– 05 – Summarise History – Explore More History of Film
– 06 – Think About it How might – Explore More History of Film
– 07 – Think about it what do you think was – Explore More History of Film
– 01 Conversation – Was Struck By Lightning
– 02 Conversation part 2 – Was Struck By Lightning
– 03 Conversation part 3 – Was Struck By Lightning
– 04 Conversation part 3 – Was Struck By Lightning
– 05 Reading – Was Struck By Lightning
– 06 Interpretation – Was Struck By Lightning
– 07 Vocabulary Practice Matching – Was Struck By Lightning
– 17 Frases interrogativas – Módulo Inicial
– 08 Vocabulary Practice Matching – Was Struck By Lightning
– 01 – Preview Lightning – Lightning
– 02 – Lightning – Lightning
– 03 – Reading – Lightning
– 04 – Script Interpretação – Lightning
– 05 – Summarise – Lightning
– 06 – Think About – Lightning
– 07 – Think About it What Other Ways – Lightning
– 01 Comparatives and Superlatives – Superlatives
– 02 Exceptions – Superlatives
– 18 Frases interrogativas parte II – Módulo Inicial
– 03 Common Mistakes in Comparative and Superlatives – Superlatives
– 01 Conversation How Much Time do You Spend – Hiking in Korea
– 02 Conversation what kinds of outdoor – Hiking in Korea
– 03 Conversation do you think it is – Hiking in Korea
– 04 Reading Hiking in Korea – Hiking in Korea
– 05 Interpretation – Hiking in Korea
– 06 Vocabulary Practice – Hiking in Korea
– 07 Vocabulary Practice Par 2 – Hiking in Korea
– 01 Preview Dubai – Explore more Dubai
– 02 Dubai World – Explore more Dubai
– 19 Frases interrogativas parte III – Módulo Inicial
– 03 Script Reading – Explore more Dubai
– 04 Interpretation Script – Explore more Dubai
– 05 Summarise – Explore more Dubai
– 06 Think About it – Explore more Dubai
– 07 Think About it – Explore more Dubai
– 01 Introdução do Curso Nível Intermediário – Nível Intermediário
– 02 Porque estudar Gramática? – Nível Intermediário
– 03 Google – Nível Intermediário
– 04 Estudo Eficiente – Nível Intermediário
– 05 Personal Pronouns – Nível Intermediário
– 20 Resumo – Módulo Inicial
– 06 Subject and Predicate – Nível Intermediário
– 07 Possessive Adjectives – Nível Intermediário
– 08 Exercícios Módulos – Nível Intermediário
– 01 Verb to be Introdução – Verbo to be parte 2
– 02 Positive form – Verbo to be parte 2
– 03 Negative – Verbo to be parte 2
– 04 Questions – Verbo to be parte 2
– 01 Exercício Write the short forms – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 02 Exercício Write am, is or are – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 03 Exercício – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 01 Resumo – Verbo To Be
– 04 Exercício write true sentences – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 05 Exercício 2 – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 06 Exercício Make – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 07 Exercício White the questions – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 08 Exercício Short Answers yes i am – Verbo to be Exercícios
– 01 Exercício What are these people doing – Present Continuous
– 02 Exercício Complete – Present Continuous
– 03 Exercício Whats – Present Continuous
– 04 Exercício Make – Present Continuous
– 05 Exercício Write Short Answers – Present Continuous
– 02 Possessive Adjectives – Verbo To Be
– 06 Exercício Present Continuous – Present Continuous
– 01 Introdução – Do & Does
– 02 Do & Does Positive – Do & Does
– 03 Exercise Positive – Do & Does
– 04 Exercise – Do & Does
– 05 Exercise Positive Parte 2 – Do & Does
– 06 Exercise Positive parte 3 – Do & Does
– 07 Exercise Positive parte 4 – Do & Does
– 08 Negative sentence – Do & Does
– 09 Write The negative – Do & Does
– 03 Verbo To Be parte 1 – Verbo To Be
– 10 Complete the sentences – Do & Does
– 11 Put The Verb Into Correct Form – Do & Does
– 12 Question Forms of do and does – Do & Does
– 13 Write questions – Do & Does
– 14 Exercise make questions – Do & Does
– 15 Exercise write – Do & Does
– 16 Family wh & h – Do & Does
– 17 Diferenças DO & Does – Do & Does
– 18 Review Complete – Do & Does
– 19 Review Put The Verb in the present – Do & Does
– 03 Verbo To Be parte 2 – Verbo To Be
– 01 This That These – This, That, These, Those
– 02 Exercise – This, That, These, Those
– 03 Exercise Write – This, That, These, Those
– 04 Exercise Complete – This, That, These, Those
– 01 Introdução – Modal Verb Can
– 02 Exercise Ask Steve If – Modal Verb Can
– 03 Exercise Can you do These Things – Modal Verb Can
– 04 Exercise Complete – Modal Verb Can
– 01 Verbo To Have – Have Got
– 02 Verbo To Have Negative – Have Got
– 04 WH questions – Verbo To Be
– 03 Verbo To Have Interrogative – Have Got
– 04 Exercise Write – Have Got
– 05 Exercise What about – Have Got
– 06 Exercise Write – Have Got
– 07 Exercise Write – Have Got
– 08 Complete The sentences – Have Got
– 01 Introdução – Singular X Plural
– 02 A vs AN – Singular X Plural
– 03 Exercise Write – Singular X Plural
– 04 Exercise What are these things – Singular X Plural
– 05 Preposition From – Verbo To Be
– 05 Exercise Job – Singular X Plural
– 06 Exercise Write – Singular X Plural
– 07 Plural – Singular X Plural
– 08 Exercise Write – Singular X Plural
– 09 Exercise Look – Singular X Plural
– 01 Positive There is and There are – There is And There are
– 02 Negative Forms – There is And There are
– 03 Questions – There is And There are
– 04 Exercise Are These sentences correct – There is And There are
– 05 Exercise Which – There is And There are
– 06 Alphabet – Verbo To Be
– 01 Countable – Countable Nouns
– 02 Exercise – Countable Nouns
– 03 Some of These Sentences – Countable Nouns
– 04 Exercise – Countable Nouns
– 05 An VS The – Countable Nouns
– 06 Write – Countable Nouns
– 07 Exercise – Countable Nouns
– 08 Exercise – Countable Nouns
– 09 The – Countable Nouns
– 10 Exercise – Countable Nouns
– 07 Articles AN & A – Verbo To Be
– 11 Exercise Complete – Countable Nouns
– 12 Exercise Look – Countable Nouns
– 13 Exercise Complete – Countable Nouns
– 01 Subject Object – Object Pronouns
– 02 Exercises – Object Pronouns
– 03 Exercises – Object Pronouns
– 04 Exercises Write – Object Pronouns
– 05 Exercises Complete – Object Pronouns
– 06 Exercises Complete – Object Pronouns
– 01 Introdução – Whose is this mine yours
– 08 Articles THE – Verbo To Be
– 02 Exercise – Whose is this mine yours
– 03 Exercise Choose – Whose is this mine yours
– 04 Exercise Complete – Whose is this mine yours
– 05 Exercise Look – Whose is this mine yours
– 01 Reflexive Pronoun – Myself Yourself
– 02 Exercise Complete – Myself Yourself
– 03 Exercise Write – Myself Yourself
– 04 Write Sentences – Myself Yourself
– 05 Complete The Sentences – Myself Yourself
– 09 Introductions THE – Verbo To Be
– 01 Verb to Have – Do e Does
– 02 Do & Does – Do e Does
– 03 Text 1B Introductions – Do e Does
– 04 Comprehension – Do e Does
– 05 Conversation- Do e Does
– 01 Cardinal Numbers – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 02 Preposition For e To – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 03 Preposition At – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 04 Hours – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 05 A time and routines – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 06 Text review – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 07 Comprehension – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 08 Conversation – Cardinal Numbers & Hours
– 01 Do Does – Time & Routines
– 02 Time And Routines – Time & Routines
– 03 Review Text – Time & Routines
– 04 Comprehension – Time & Routines
– 05 Conversation – Time & Routines
– 06 Show me your writing- Time & Routines
– 01 Ing of the verb – Shopping
– 02 Adverbs of the frequency – Shopping
– 03 Text 3A Shopping – Shopping
– 04 Text Review – Shopping
– 05 Comprehension – Shopping
– 06 Conversation – Shopping
– 01 Indicative pronouns – Shopping 2
– 02 Quantiers – Shopping 2
– 03 Verb there to be – Shopping 2
– 04 Text shopping – Shopping 2
– 05 Text review – Shopping 2
– 06 Comprehension – Shopping 2
– 07 Conversation – Shopping 2
– 08 Show me your writing – Shopping 2
– 01 Personal Pronouns Object – Food
– 02 Text 4 Food – Food
– 03 Text review – Food
– 04 Comprehension – Food
– 05 Conversation – Food
– 01 Modal verb may an might – Food Parte 2
– 02 Food extra vocabulary – Food Parte 2
– 03 Text food 2 – Food Parte 2
– 04 Text review – Food Parte 2
– 05 Comprehension – Food Parte 2
– 06 Conversation – Food Parte 2
– 07 Show my your writing part 1 – Food Parte 2
– 08 Show my your writing part 2 – Food Parte 2
– 09 Show my your writing part 3 – Food Parte 2
– 10 Teste – Food Parte 2
– 01 Modal verb can – Colours
– 02 Modal verb must – Colours
– 03 Modal verb Should – Colours
– 04 Modal verb Would – Colours
– 05 Colours – Colours
– 06 Text job interview – Colours
– 07 Text review – Colours
– 08 Comprehenson – Colours
– 09 Conversation – Colours
– 01 Ordinal numbers – Ordinal Numbers
– 02 Text job interview – Ordinal Numbers
– 03 Text review – Ordinal Numbers
– 04 Comprehension – Ordinal Numbers
– 05 Conversation – Ordinal Numbers
– 06 Verb to be past tense – Ordinal Numbers
– 07 Show me yout writing – Ordinal Numbers
– 01 Text of the week – Days of the Week
– 02 Text review – Days of the Week
– 03 Comprehension – Days of the Week
– 04 Conversation – Days of the Week

Informação adicional

Carga Horária:

100 hora(s)

Quantidade de aulas:

296 aula(s)


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